Types Of Therapy
I provide an array of services to meet your needs. I can meet with people one-on-one for Individual Therapy, I can meet with entire families (or portions of a family when appropriate) for Family Therapy, and I offer Group Therapy to people who have a common concern or goal. I will also be adding workshops to my list of services and I'm open to ideas of what you might be interested in attending. Often my clients decide to partake in more than one type of Counseling service, such as receiving individual and group therapy. We can figure out together what would best meet your needs.
My sessions are a full hour (60 minutes rather than the traditional 50 minutes). I also offer 90 minute and 2 hour sessions when needed. My groups sessions are typically 90 minutes but may vary depending on the group. For information about rates please visit my Fees page.
My sessions are a full hour (60 minutes rather than the traditional 50 minutes). I also offer 90 minute and 2 hour sessions when needed. My groups sessions are typically 90 minutes but may vary depending on the group. For information about rates please visit my Fees page.
Click the appropriate button below for more information about specific types of therapy
Clients Served
People come to me for many different reasons, presenting many different goals and struggles. I typically see children 8 and older, teenagers, young adults, and adults up to about age 50. Many of my clients are women but I'm certainly happy to help men as well. I feel honored when men contact me for Counseling since I know social pressures can make it more difficult to reach out, ask for help, show their emotions, and talk about personal issues and feelings. I have a passion for working with college and graduate students and offer them a reduced student fee.
Some typical presenting issues:
* Panic attacks, excessive worrying, fearful
* Sadness, Lack of motivation, Depression
* Wanting to increase self-esteem
* Wanting to live more in the moment, and stop worrying about the past or future
* Getting to know your sensitivity and how to best cope with strong emotions
* Working towards a goal such as becoming more comfortable with public speaking, starting a business, or making yourself a priority
* Wanting to increase assertive communication skills, decrease passivity or aggression
* Needing support through a life transition such as moving to a new place, graduating from high school or college, starting college
* Grieving a loss including a death or break-up
* Wanting to learn effective social skills or tools for dating
* Communicating more effectively with a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner/family
Public Speaking
I am available for public speaking engagements. Please contact me if you have an interest in having me speak to your school, organization, business, or class. I am willing to do a limited number of speaking engagements each year on a voluntary basis.
Some topics that I can speak about are:
* What it's like entering the mental health field
* Understanding anxiety (especially Social Anxiety)
* Stress Management
* Mindfulness
* Communication/Assertiveness Skills
* Understanding Highly Sensitive People
Some topics that I can speak about are:
* What it's like entering the mental health field
* Understanding anxiety (especially Social Anxiety)
* Stress Management
* Mindfulness
* Communication/Assertiveness Skills
* Understanding Highly Sensitive People